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Ford City Potters' One Month+ Update & Upcoming Classes!!

Updated: Aug 31

We're thrilled with our launch and grateful for your support! Check out our summer and fall classes, including kids' and teen workshops. Join us & get creative!

We look pretty happy because we are. That's Silk Echoes

who played our launch party! What a night. Thank you!


It's been a while since we've written, because this past two months have been a blur. Doing all the last minute stuff before we flung open our doors (April 30th!), getting into the rhythm of the first few classes, planning the launch party, EXPERIENCING the launch party, and just generally two potters getting oriented in a new pottery studio.

It's been...a lot.

But it's been amazing.

Party pics!

Anyway, this is just a quick update to say, thank you Windsor/Essex for proving us right, that we needed a full-service pottery studio and that Ford City was the place to put it. Thank you to our family and friends who traveled near and far to celebrate our opening and who pitched in to help launch us with so much love and support. Thank you to Shane Potvin who turned around a beautiful door sign in 48 hours, and has indispensable to us since, giving our website a profesh polish.

And big thank you to our first batch of students and potters who make this place what it is and, more importantly, what it will be.


-The next 3 and 6-week summer classes are posted. Next session starts June 15th.

Slots are filling up, so be sure you snag yours.

-Kids and teen hand-building and wheel classes start in July. Details on the website, but essentially, 8-12 will handbuild cool stuff, 13-17 will learn the art of the wheel.

-We'll bring back the 8-week classes in the fall, so students can experience two glazes per session, which is not only thrilling but they best way to learn the full art of pottery.

-the teapot workshop June 8th and 9th is almost full. Email us if you want the last slot.

See you in the studio!


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